Cross stitch and coffee

My little place to chat about stitching and other things.

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

I am a mother of three great kids,3 cats and a Fox Terrier.I own an Embroidery store, and my DH owns a Foundry.We live in house that is over a hundred years old and have a large unruly garden.

Monday, August 07, 2006

The Gate Guy Has Been.

I was going to show my new stash today but someone has taken the camera cable!! my lastest purchases from Stitching Bits and Bobs which include B and C CHS alphabet ,The Token and Wise and Foolish by Long Dog Samplers they are all so amazing I can hardly wait to start stitching all of them LOL.It is really fraustrating that I have so little time to stitch at the moment (if only we could we could have more hours in the day).Anyway I decided since I do have less stitching time that this month I would concentrate on finish the Coffee Menu (LHN) and the Quaker Mystery sampler and if I have time my Quilts 4 Kids block ,this way I can feel like I'm still getting something done .
Now we get to some exciting news (well exciting for me) at last they have approved our insurance claim and today the gate guy was here to measure up for the new gates and fences yay.I thought you might also like to know how justice works in New Zealand ,the guy who did all this damage was sentenced two weeks ago and What was his punishment I here you ask? Well he has to pay us $600 dollars (which is the excess on our insurance policy) and he is going to pay it off at $30.00 a week (here is where I remind you he did $20,000 dollars worth of damage and was well over the legal alcohol limit ) he has also missed the first payment!!!
Well thats about it for now ,since I'm at home today I thought I might makes the kids some hot cakes for thier after school snack and who knows I might sneak in a few minutes stitching ,so take care.


Blogger Margaret said...

Glad to hear that at least the insurance has been approved and you can get on with gate/fence repair. Ridiculous that the guy is actually just getting away with this and then missing the first payment - unbelievable!!!!

Did you get the finishes you planned for July completed? Looking forward the seeing the results.


6:58 AM  

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